Journey for those who don't know about Journey.

This all happened in 1994 when a fashion designer aspirant was ready to begin her journey and was on her way to Delhi to fulfill her dreams but saw a tiny little 7-year-old starved girl near garbage eagerly searching for something to eat, that moment, she pledged her life to be a mother of these children abjured by the society. She had thought at a moment for whom I am going to design the clothes. When in my country children don't even have cloth to wear and food for their starvation then She chose not to color the clothes but to fill colors in the lonesome eyes of the nation after that, for many years she used to distribute clothing and food to slum kids. One day she accidentally found a girl name "Gauri", who had a severe injury on her head and bleeding badly. She took the baby to a hospital and stayed there with the girl for three days. People suggested her to take the girl child to her own home. She did the same, and the journey started on that day. In that month, she got eight more children and after that, the number increased, and after that who came from where was never an issue. This kind of incidents or happenings gave birth to “Surman Sansthan”.

She was running NGO, Its been a few years, Meanwhile, she also got selected as a Chairperson of the Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

Now she is running Manan-The Voice of Children and Angel of Love, She does Live Painting Show for Child Right awareness, and her journey for children with a mission is still going on.

“Yes, We chose a different approach, will you support it?”